Have fun and be safe!

Inventory of Damages
Plannning my Escape Route... So I spent yesterday beautifying my resume and there are a few jobs I found that could be cool. Two of them are at companies I use to work for so that could be an easy transition. I think what I really want (but would never happen) is to be laid off so I can collect unemployment for a while and work on home projects. I know this is a rare and foolish desire to have in the Silicon Valley, but I could really just use some time to be domestic for a while. And this job is driving me into a depression of some sort. Not that I'm really depressed, but I tend to keep subconsciously sabotaging my current situation. Sherry use to not work in a work setting and they just kept her around until finally they let her go about a month and half ago. And it all worked out. Now she is a FAMOUS ARTIST! Her stuff is selling and she has 2 shows coming up. Self sabotage worked for her, but my company would never let it work for me. I really don't need that much money in life. My only bills are my cell phone and my car payment. I think the only reason I have to work is to support my car which I wish I didn't have to have. I know I have written before about how terribly unimpressive our transportation infastructure is. My car is costing me an average of $750 per month. The monthly cost of transportation via NYC subways averages about $200... a completely attainable figure if I was on unemployment. It would be even less because I could cut out the cost of going to work and back. But here I have to have that car. No debate about it! The situation here is that even if I don't work, there are still too many places I have to go to that are unattainable via public transportation. The 20 minute drive turns into an hour and a half bus ride with 3 transfers and a .8 mile walk. Ridiculous! Anyways I am about to send out this resume out for "my childhood dream job" so wish me luck!
Flew into Newport Beach Friday night. I almost turned around when I got to LAX, but too late. The balance on my voucher had vanished into thin air. Met up with the boys to celebrate Tim's birthday. "Boys" were our core little group and then a bunch of guys who live in Tim's apartment complex. There is this one guy Bryan who was there. He's the person that everybody assumes we know each other but we don't.
Ahoy Matey!
5-4-3-Counting Down till I blow this joint... 40 more minutes until I make my escape. It's not just because I'm leaving town. It's kind of like this everyday. Just waiting till I can leave. And now I'm just trying to count the days until I don't have to come back at all. I think I have psycologically gotten myself so pumped on the thought of change that there is no way I can even consider staying put now. So I best be getting real serious real soon about this search for a better bolder and brassier new landscape that I can call "work".
Moving on to Plan B
31 Days Until My Birthday! And I think I'm going to throw another big party so you might want to keep the day open... Saturday, Nov 22. And if you are around town this weekend you may want to hit up another real big party tomorrow night at James' house in Cupertino. Don't know James? Who cares! Call me and I'll give you directions. I have specific orders from Chris to invite EVERYONE who goes to my parties in hopes for the same mad turnout. But he doesn't need me. With a promoter like Mr. Chris Friend, this party is sure to be off the hook. Oh, heck... the address is 18901 Pendergast. Mapquest it!
Regretting Making the Cut
How to be both here and there
All Grown Up
Terri is awesome! I told her how the mirror she gave me was stolen and she emailed our contact at ClubSport and asked him to ship me another one. :)
I hardly ever leave my office for lunch, but today... the one day I go home for lunch... And in the 10 minutes that my counterpart was downstairs, Sombody came up to my office and stole my Renaissance Clubsport Mirror that I keep on computer. I need that thing so that I can spy on who is coming up behind me and check my makeup and know when I don't want to turn around and make eye contact because it's the chatty security guard. This is the second time that the mirror has been stolen. They were given to my team in a promotional packet, but everybody else works from home, has company laptops, and doesn't use theirs. Last time I had to search my team for somebody who still had theirs. Luckily, my Sacramento girl had one and brought it to me the next time she was in town. I don't think I'll be so lucky this time to replace it. I have other interesting toys on my desk that nobody ever bothers with. Why not take my UBS boat ruler or my San Jose Marriott picture holder or my Marriott squeeze cube? Why the mirror? The one functional trinket on my whole desk. Why?
Some of my Childhood Experiences that made my youth extraordinary...
I loved my childhood. It was completely unique in everyway. I had so many extraordinary experiences and situations that impacted and molded the person I am today. Hardly anything was "normal" in comparison to others. And today I am in debate about my high school experience. How did going to an all girl school effect my social development? At the time I loved it. No boys meant no reason for girls to fight and every reason to have fun. No holding back because it didn't matter if you made a fool out of yourself because there was no one to impress. But maybe I needed that experience. Maybe I never really learned how to be impressive in the presense of men. To what extent was I handicapped in my ability to interact with the oppisite sex? Because I sure do feel handicapped. Especially on days like today.
Kitty Meow Meow's Big Adventure
Finding Kitty Meow Meow
Melanie is so good for me! She totally drags me out of the house. Half the reason I have a social life is because of her. The other half is because of Carrie. If it weren't for them I would never leave the house, let alone my room. Thursday night Mel & Gina take me to a new club, Elements. It sucks. If there were more people it wouldn't be bad though. After Mel's had a few AMF's I get them to go down to SJB&G where of course I see Freddie & Dave. But Dougie Fresh is missing from the mix... where's that boy now? We go check out Dave's new bar that he conveniently opened right next door to his old bar. Amazing that both are completely packed. Tres Gingos has a margaritaville style that reminds me very much of Sharkys in Newport Beach. One club blaring alternative/classic rock and the other blaring Hip-Hop beats. And if you aren't into either of these, he also has Voodoo Lounge at the end of the block. Put all your clubs on one block so you can manage them all at once. Smart Dave. I'd love to one day see him broaden his horizons beyond 2nd Street.
Adventures with Wood
Today I had good karma... kinda. I was a very good girl last night and was very disciplined and today I was rewarded kinda. Back to this pic of the governor. I think it is disgusting. This is not the way the human body is suppose to look. I don't find all those muscles at all attractive. And look at how insanely small his waist line is. He looks like a circus sideshow freak. Now I have muscle bound guy friends that tell me how the girls really dig the huge muscles and all. I don't understand this because I don't know a single girl who is into that. Who are you out there? And what the heck to you find attractive about disgusting veins protruding from below the skins surface and bulging hard bodies? Which by the way are no good for cuddling up with... who wants a rock for a pillow?!? Anyways, I am off to try and build myself a tv stand. Wait, let me consult my post it note to do list. Is that really what I'm doing tonight? Yep, that's right. Hmmm. Well, upside: I get to hit up the fabric store after I get the wood cut.
New Hope for Dyslexic Population
Organized Living!
Tragedy Hitting Home
Birthdays! Today is the one month birthday of my blog so I am taking it public. It is also the birthday of my major high school crush, Mike Buckelew. Happy Birthday Mike (wherever you are)! And it's also Matt's Birthday and he'll be spinning at Cardiff tonight under his alter ego of MJ GAMEZ to celebrate! Sherry's birthday is coming up too, but I don't know exactly when. All I know is her party is this weekend. Wish I was in NYC still to help her celebrate. Happy Birthday Sherry! I wish you super birthday powers that make the scary art store guy not so intimidating and that you never find yourself with out a date to a hardcore punk concert again. And then next Friday is the birthday of 2 of my favorite boys... Jerome and Teak! Teakers is the most fun guy you will ever meet. That is why I miss him so much now that he never is around anymore. And Jerome is my childhood friend/ pretend brother. We looked alot alike as kids and he told everyone in summer school that we were brother and sister much to my protest. However, our looks are the only thing we have in common. Our paths split when we were still just kids and his led to incessant trouble. Unfortunately, last I heard he was once again being held against his will by the county. I'll have to call his parents to find out to what address I should mail his card. Hmmm. Other October birthdays... Tasia, Helen, Patty, Eliza, and Seamus.
New York was almost like going to a different country. It certaintly is a completely different culture. The daily differences in life are amazing. Some lend themselves to my liking and others make me greatful to be living where I do. But I did catch a glimpse at why these east coasters have such a regional self pride and why they consider the lifestyle of us westerners... well, stupid!