Friday, May 26

On The Flipside

So tonight was my school orientation. The bad news was that they have royally screwed up my transfer agreements. None of my SJCC credits were making an appearance. This affects me in quite a few ways. Technically SJCC and WJU are the same so some of the classes that I took back then will count for this program and I won't have to take them. So I should have a lower tuition. Secondly, without them on my record it appears like I have few too credits for this program which got me placed on probation and put me at a Sophmore standing for FASFA. I get $3000 more as a Junior. This should all get cleared up soon. I hope. The good news is that some of my financial aid came in and I owe nothing this quarter. Well actually I owed $66 but then we realized that I probably won't be taking one of the classes this term when the credits come through and that I also won't need to be charged for the books, which gave me a book credit that covered the $66. Hooray! Praise God, because I was seriously stressing over that.

Making me laugh! What will those heathens think up next! (I kinda dig the Jr High Jesus).

Thursday, May 25

Listlessly Losing

This morning I was seriously losing it... like on the verge of a nervous breakdown losing it. All the systems that hold my life together are unraveling. I slept until I couldn't sleep anymore and then I wearily made my way into work where I made it a point to sit down with my agenda book and make a list. A big list. A To-do list. And although having a huge list may freak some out, for me it seemed to help to have it down on paper. Not that it makes it any easier. Not that I have any help. Not that more time will arise to conquer this list. And not that time will stand still in order for me to catch up. But somehow it helps to focus and not freak. And somehow fun non stressful not related to anything errands popped up on the list... like make cupcakes for myself. Well, I ended up getting muffins instead, but oh... I think the buzzer is going off. I feel a little better now.

Wednesday, May 24

La La La La.... I Can't Hear You!

It's the day before school starts and I'm feeling very overwhelmed. This is not a good way to start off a quarter. Everything is in disarray. And I was either to overwhelmed or physically uncapable of straightening any of it out. I'm trying to move my desks into my bedroom but I have to move my bookshelves which means I have to move my bed which means putting my bed up on blocks... all which I cannot do by myself. Despite spending 4 hours meddling with them today, neither printer is working. I took one of them apart completely (like the time Lani and I took apart the vacuum cleaner, but that ended with a trip to Best Buy). The other one is having software driver issues of some sort. I have no food in my house and have been starving all day. I still don't have a job and scheduling interviews is a hassle when you don't even feel like getting out of your bathrobe. I don't have the $1400 I'm suppose to give school tomorrow. The office is in shambles. I am stressed about getting it ready for renting by the 1st. I can't tolerate my sister's crap in the garage anymore (Notice was sent this morning). Maybe going to school is a bad idea. Although I don't think that's possible seeing that it was God's idea. But certaintly you know how it is when sometimes you just don't feel motivated to go along with God's plan. Ya, that's me today. I think I'm going to go crawl in bed and not deal while I still can.

Monday, May 22


  • Donald Miller last night at Sanctuary reading excerpts from his book To Own A Dragon. Rolling with laughter despite sad statistics: Currently 44 million men are growing up without fathers. 85% of male prision population grew up fatherless. 10% more of them had really bad fathers. I bought the 4 pack of his books.
  • Yesterday was Zac's 30th Birthday Surprise Party. He was clueless although at times I thought he was on to me. And when all was said and done he didn't even seem that bothered by the major invasions of privacy it took to make it happen. Rob has pics on flickr.
  • Last week I was in LA taking in the not so sunny weather. I hit up Disneyland twice... once with Carrie and once with Zac. I'm losing on the new Buzzlightyear ride.
  • School starts this Thursday. I am trying to have a head start by already starting the reading. School: William Jessup University. Major: Management and Ethics with a Duel in Theology. 22 months until graduation. Will I make it? Only by God's grace. With classes starting shortly I call to find out why I have not recieved my financial aid packet. Apparently I was not notified that FASFA chose me for random verification. Without the aid being awarded I all of a sudden have a $1400 payment due Thursday. Yikes. Anybody know where I can sell a very healthy kidney?
  • Looking for a New Job. Work ends this week. I have no clue what will happen next. I am interviewing for some nanny positions so hopefully I find one that pays well enough to pay for school and gives me enough time to focus on school. Ya, I'm looking for more money and less hours.
  • Sacrafices for school... giving up my office to Keiko, a student from Japan, in exchange for some money for tuition. Also giving up bunk bed and love sac in exchange for money and space in my bedroom to bring my desk back in. My tv is going to go to Keiko's room too. I don't think I'll have much time to watch it over the next 2 years.Hmmm. I think it may be time to cancel Netflix.
  • As Promised pics.... from Big Sur of Me Gina and Cutie
    Go Team!