Saturday, October 30

I'm very excited for KAK House Halloween Party tonight. I went out with the boys last night and their house looks great... all spooked out for the festivities. If I didn't invite you it's because they are only letting me invite my single girlfriends. So the theme is Superheroes. Now I wanted to be a geisha girl, but because I'm kinda part of the core group there was mass pressure to hero up. Thus I will be attending as Storm from x-men. I have to finish making my costume this morning.

KAK House- kinda like an adult fraternity house... think old school. I have this group of guys I hang with that are the most fun guys I know. And I am the only legitimate girl in this group. There are 2 other girls, but they are only in because of their boyfriends. If their relationships should end they would be out of the group. We've seen it happen. That makes me legitimate because I am not currently or have ever dated any of these guys. Nor would I, because I value being able to casually hang with them without any type of relational drama. The big perk here though is lots of attention when we go out. Now I'm pretty shy when I go out and I'm not one to really talk to new people. If it wasn't for them I would be a complete wallflower, just like I am when I go out with girls. But I just rotate hanging out with the boys and there is always someone to dance with or buy me drinks. They all make the occasional play for me. I think it's become some kind of challenge for one of them to try to claim me. Last night I actually heard the words..."No, she's my girl!" I would never attach myself to any guy in this group, but I admit to loving the attention. It makes for worry free nights.

Also this week, heck I can't even remember this week now. Apparently I did nothing important.

Sunday, October 24

Who knew catholic mass could be so protestant? I babysat overnight for the Perry's and I had to take their youngest to some mandatory Sunday School at their church. Their priest was really pretty good. He talked about the US Olympic gymnastics team and how they didn't boast and put other teams down. Their worship and prayer styles all had a protestant edge to them. They even took impromptu prayer requests from the congregation. Completely unexpected from a catholic church. Mass at my conservative catholic high school was never this good. I still missed my church though because we have the best worship and a great pastor.

Tonight I went to foodfest where I introduced my church to the sensation of karoake revolution. They are all hooked. Matt Em and me sat there hours after the rest left singing medleys. I think my pastor's a convert into the world of kr2.

Thursday, October 21

Who doesn't enjoy a good quiz every once in a while.
20 Questions to a Better Relationship is the link to the site.
My score:
You are a RPIG--Reserved Practical Intellectual Giver. This makes you a Rock of Gibraltar.You are loyal, kind, thoughtful and conscientious. You're a good person. You make everyone around you happier and better, even if you yourself are not at your happiest or best. You just care so much about your friends and loved ones that you can't help giving them everything of yourself. It can wear you out, but you'd never let on. You're successful, smart and fun to be with, but your self-esteem could use some boosting. You don't like conflict, and you don't like demanding things for yourself, so you can feel unappreciated. But then you wonder if you don't deserve to be appreciated. You do! You have many small crushes, but it takes you ages to get to a serious stage with someone. You get so caught up second-guessing yourself and worrying if the other person really *likes* likes you that you never dare to make the first move. (completely true as those of you who know me will agree) Generally you end up with another clever RPIG who knows one when s/he sees one. This adds up to one long courtship. Fortunately this also adds up to one long marriage. You would never cheat. You would never hurt anyone's feelings. You are so sympathetic and give so many second chances that it takes a lo-o-ong time for anyone to get on your bad side. Your only problem is you can be *too* thoughtful -- you can end up worrying and getting hung up over nothing. You may be a boy scout. Of the 137850 people who have taken this quiz, 7 % are this type.

Tuesday, October 19

Secret Revealed- it was actually my first guess only because it was something I wanted so much. In a package that arrived today from Minnesota was some handmade goodness. The most beautiful green and maroon quilt from Grandma Jean (Carrie's grandma). I have wanted a quilt for the longest time. I was so jealous whenever Grandma made quilts for other insignificant people she hardly knows. And Carrie has so many and gets a new one every year. Finally it was my turn. And it is super special because I love this family as if it is my own. I have been grandparentless for ten years. Long ago I adopted grandma and grandpa Harrington as my own. But this was kinda like being adopted right back.

The weekend was uneventful. Nothing at all exciting. I helped Polly & Gary pack up to move. I ran errands. I had my dad over for crepes.

This week I've picked back up on my atkins & swimming. I've switched to the evening swim session which is way more laid back and has more personalized coaching. And I'm not the slowest person in the pool anymore.

Wednesday, October 13

Family Share Plan
I'm eating carbs and not doing morning swims until this flu goes away. Today I met my mom at the mall after work so I could kick her off my cell phone plan. I've been letting her share my minutes because I normally have about 150 left over every month. Every month when the bill comes, I make her guess how many minutes she thinks she used and she always says 60. She goes on and on about how nobody knows her number and how she never uses her phone. And then she is all in shock when I reveal to her that she used 400-500 minutes this month (which causes us to go over our minutes costing me big time). I only gave her that line because I didn't want to pay the cancellation penalty to end it before contract was up. Well contract ended on Monday so I sent her on her own and took her down there to get her set up on some prepay plan.

Kitchen Redecoration
After I painted the kitchen yellow, the black framing on my pictures and the black cast iron candelabra and pot holder just didn't seem to mesh. I figured I would unify it by choosing to decorate the kitchen in yellow and black bumblebee stuff. But I can't find any. I froogled it and all and you know if it doesn't exist on the internet there is a chance it may not exist at all. The other thing I'm looking for is a new dining table set. This girl I know who we'll just call SS gave me hers when she was doing her last move. She said she didn't like it and didn't need it. She moved in with my best friend who has lots of real pretty matching furniture. So I go all the way up to SS apartment in the city to pick up this table set that she is giving me. I appreciated it greatly because I use to have this old beatup table and 2 office chairs in there and couldn't afford anything else. Now my best friend moved out and left SS with no furniture. SS is super bitter and going a little nutso with the vengeance stuff and making illegitimate threats to sue and stuff. So then comes in guilt by association. Me and my best friend are like one entity. So SS comes asking for her table set back. Did I mention that SS has so much money it is ridiculous and probably end up buying a new set and donating this one to goodwill. Well, I definitely am not delivering it to her. She'll have to come pick it up. But I figure I better start looking for an affordable back up in case she takes it.

ADD shopper
So my mom hit up all the home decor stores in the mall looking for tables and bumblebee stuff. You may start with a purpose and some clear limits, but those are thrown out the window once you reach the rare urban outfitters sale. I know I just did a urban shopping spree in Vegas, but I was so rushed. And even more stuff was on sale and cheaper at this urban. So my focus on home decor goes out the window and I blow $100 on clothes instead. So $210 total to urban in the last few days, but check out what I got in exchange and tell me this new full wardrobe wasn't completely worth it.
New Wardrobe Inventory:*3 pairs of corduroy pants in brown, green, and cream *pair of black trousers *pair of grey and white striped trousers *grey hooded long shirt/dress *2 hot little striped summer skirts in pink and grey *my favorite sweater in hot pink *2 pairs of boot socks *one pair of black flip flops with a heel *sexy and fun 70's knock off orange and pink striped strapless dress *pink ruffled butt panties *pink floral print skirt *black and white floral skirt with fluff extra good for spinning *black and white dots corduroy skirt *a suction speaker for walkmans and mp3 players
I'm such the bargain shopper! I did find the perfect dining table set, but can't afford it. 899 for the table and 238 per chair. Yikes! I may just try and recreate both the style of the table and sew the bumblebee table top stuff.

Tuesday, October 12

Las Vegas was fun. It was nice to have a change of scenery. Mind you it was still work. I had fun with the kids and hanging by the pool. I just didn't go out partying until 7 in the morn like usual. The extent of my sin city naughtiness was blowing money on a rushed 1/2 hour shopping spree at urban outfitter.

Well, I didn't sleep much Sunday night was pretty fatigued. Fatigue + Airport Germs= Catching the Flu. So fever, chills, headache, and aching body accompanied me to work today. But really I'm not too bad. Illness is inevitable so I just ignore it until it refuses to be ignored.

So what is the secret? Tonight Carrie starts in on a "I know a secret" chant. But she won't tell me what it is, and the suspense is driving me crazy. Here are the hints I got out of her.
*It is a good secret/surprise. *It has to do with me and me only. *It has nothing to do with a guy. *Carrie isn't suppose to know about it (and has nothing to do with it). *The person who told her also has nothing to do with it. *It's pretty big. *It has nothing to do with any tv shows (I had been thinking while you were out or something). *I should find out in about 2 weeks.
Do you know? Tell me if you do?

Friday, October 8

Off to Vegas. My clients are flying me out there and putting me up so that I can babysit for them. Am I a little spoiled? So much to do before going so I really shouldn't have let Nate of all people sidetrack me into going to dinner and playing pacman. Nate has guitar envy because my Alvarez is the best. Thanks to Michael for giving it to me and to Sunstar for instrumenting that. This week I went door shopping with Dathan and obtained a salsa maker. You know you are really busy when your everyday chores start to creep into your before work hours. Errands in the morning, errands in the evening, meetings, sidejobs, and suppertime. I'm too tired to make sense. G-nite.

Monday, October 4

REGISTER TO VOTE (deadline to register I think is Friday)!

Friday, October 1

My Month of Discipline is finally over. Let's review how I faired.
*Atkins- still on it but tend to cheat on weekends. Last weekend was the worst with cake and candy and other party foods. I lost 10 in the first week and then haven't lost anymore.
*Purpose Driven Life- I am on day 31 of the 40 day program. I was up to 9 days behind at one point but got caught up. I am not waking up at 5 in the morn to do this. I read it when I am at work. And I hardly ever do the journal part of it. But it has been a very insightful book and I recommend it to all. I have decided to re-read the book 2 more times which will occupy me up to the end of the year.
*Master Swim- Going great. This week I didn't miss a single day. I'll explain the whole psychology of swim in a later post. I never did make it early enough to ever catch a coached workout and I never made it to a single weekend workout.
*Afternoon Business Planning- Ran into a glitch and I haven't wanted to deal with it yet so I've replaced business planning with napping and web surfing. Last weekend I made crepes for my church and that got lots of people asking and that is a bit motivating. I need to get back on track with this. Especially because I need to get it squared away so I can plan a trip to Paris.
*Running- happened once after work, but I have been seriously so busy with hardly any free time after work. When I do have time, I prefer to do laundry or other house stuff.
*No TV- That didn't happen. I need tivo and then i think i'll watch less tv because i'll spend less time looking for something good to be on and i can just stop it at my bedtime and pick it up again later.
*No Drinking- This didn't happen either. Last night I even took to drinking alone at home which is a step down I always frowned upon as completely pathetic and unnecessary. But I made the drink too strong for myself and didn't even drink it.