Sympathizing with this... Trying to Cope... Taking it one day at a time....
Sympathizing with this... Trying to Cope... Taking it one day at a time....
If you know me well, then you might know that I don't like getting messy or sticky. And so it's common sense that I also detest mud. I always avoid the trails unless we've had 3 days of straight sun so that I know the trails are dry. I hate the slippery muddy areas after the rain that makes me slide and stick with every step. But God has a way of helping you get over your neurosis. A few weeks ago I went to run one morning at Quicksilver. About half way through it starts to lightly rain. And I'm very annoyed at this, but what can I do? So I push myself harder and faster to wrap up the next 45 minutes and get out of there as fast as possible. Then last week it happens again. This time it's not just a sprinkle but real significant rain drops coupled with chilling wind. This morning I had planned to go run when I got off of work at 8am, but it was raining pretty hard. I contemplated going to the gym instead, but then I decided to screw it and just deal with the wetness and the ick mud. So I arrive and begin the trail in a mindset to finally overcome my issue with running in the rain when all of a sudden it stops raining. The sun comes out and it's warm. I have to tie my windbreaker around my waist and ditch the gloves. And I was kinda disappointed that I was robbed the experience of conquering my neurosis. It rained again later in the run, but not enough for me to even bother to put my windbreaker back on.
The Cobalt Season will wrap up their America tour to begin their European tour. Then they'll wrap that up to return here to begin their parentage tour. Holly is expecting in October. It's so exciting. I envy the babe who gets such blessed lullibies. And by the time they come back from Europe they will probably really be showing on Holly's tiny frame. And the art that this journey will inspire. And the lyrics it will birth. This begins a new life season for them as well as a new creative season too. I can't wait to see the finished product.
I have an new enemy. I can't stand the tattletale who loves to humiliate me. My enemy can be found hanging around Zac's house and it's name is Stupid Smoke Detector. Now it knows that I have not at all set the house on fire, but still everytime I cook dinner over there it makes sure to loudly interject it's two cents... Beep Beep Beep Beep = translation: Your Girlfriend Can't Cook! To which I have to explain while jumping up and down waving a dish towel in the air that it's nothing. Dinner is not burnt. It's just the seasonings on the pan that burnt. I swear it's not always like this. This is not indicitive of my cooking over all. Cooking for Zac makes me nervous and I almost always mess something up. I feel such a pressure to convince him that I really can cook. Meals would be better off if I made them when he wasn't around and without his feedback on what he wants to eat. I'm use to just cooking what I like to cook and eat. I'm not use to taking requests. Maybe I set up a menu... here's what I cook.... choose items only off the menu... there will be no substitutions. I have a great vast menu of great gourmet foods, but carne asada is not on it. Nor are hash browns, or carrots, or stir fry. Even if these things are very easy. They are not on the menu. Ok, starting to sound like a complaining housewife so I'll stop now. Really my beef is with the smoke detector and not with my wonderful boyfriend who rarely burns anything when he cooks.
I just got the paperwork in the mail for my speeding ticket. I was surprised when it said I was not eligible for traffic school. I looked through my files and found the date of my last violation. I was only 9 days short of the 18 month period necessary between violations. Aarrgg!!! So that will be $365 and a permanent mark on my record. I'm sure my insurance company will love that one. Luckily my insurance already sent me out a quote for my next 6 months with them and it didn't reflect this ticket so I still get the good driver discount. I won't have this impacting my insurance at least for another 6 months. And by then another ticket hopefully will have timed out so that I still will qualify. Or maybe not. I'll just have to see. Anyways, at least I know traffic school is available for next time. *Sigh*
The cost of parking in the wrong place. It was late and dark and I didn't see the signs because they were blocked from visibility by other parked cars. And to top it I was partially in the red. So this morning I go out to find that my car has been towed. They are working on the street and my vehicle was in the way. Apparently I had just missed it. Now I scan my brain for who isn't working who can help me out. And the logical answer is my mother because she is right around the corner, but our last encounter was hurtful and I'm not quite over that pain. So I skip logical and go around to the next best thing. Family like friends. Jerome's mom comes and picks me up and takes me to the police station where I pay $101 for the vehicle release and then to the tow yard where I pay $110 for the tow and $36 for the daily storage rate. $247 total . That was a huge pain.
Just yesterday I was talking to Zac about the wonder of how sometimes I've left the house in a hurry for work not realizing I was wearing my slippers and not my shoes. This morning I discovered something worse than being trapped without proper shoes. I was exhausted when my alarm went off at 5am. In my groggled state I grabbed some clothes for the day in my bag and set off for work in my pajamas where I went back to sleep upon my arrival. When I got up hours later with the kids I realized that missing from the clothes I packed was a bra. For some going bra-less would be no big deal, but that is not my situation. I'll be making a pit stop to my house as soon as possible.
Quotes I'm Digging