Christmas Recap
Best Gift I Got: 15 Karoake CD's to start off a very decent library. My new jam... The Rose. Not only do I rock it, but whoa... the lyrics... could they be anymore me?
Best Gift I Gave: Sock Monkey Pajama & Slipper Set along with a Jesus Sock Monkey that I found at UO for an undeserving sibling.
The Gift That Keeps On Giving: The $20 iTunes gift cards I gave the Bryana and Mikayla. They have a sleepover and spend all $40 and both get copies of the songs they chose then Bry comes over to my house and drops her entire 12 cd music collection she has with her onto my iTunes. It's a win-win for everybody.
The Worst Gift I Recieved: Fur Trimmed Socks (that must be hung dry). *scowl* That's a little too high maintenance for socks. I'm going to cut the fur off.
I had two weeks off of work for Christmas. I kicked off this local vacay by picking up the sibling cousin (not to be confused with the cousin sibling) and headed to Reno for an annual pow wow of the Gorum Tribe.

Uncle Rayfield and his offspring that spans 3 decades of sugar highs and good looks. After a few days I dropped Ray off in Napa and continued homeward to settle in before picking Carrie up at the airport for Christmas Weekend. Friday night we headed to the Brit with Chupa Crew in tow. It was a blast but ended prematurely when the bar broke into fights. We grabbed our crew and headed back to my house to break in the karoake library. Fav disc of the night had to be the beatles. We went through that one twice rapping up at 6am. Christmas Eve I headed out cookie trays and gifts in hand to do our 17th annual toy delivery to needy families. Mike came as my delivery partner and he was a complete trooper. He soldiered through our normal glitches without a single complaint. My hour and half route took much longer. We delivered to the last house at 2:30am. The next morning... Christmas morning at church I was talking to some of the girls and I kept hearing a common theme. The ladies are off of work and school and are all bored. Immediately the need wells up in me to organize a gathering. Thus a Ladies Luncheon was planned. It went great. Us girls had so much fun and it ended up going for 5 hours of just pure girly gabbing. Another day my neice Bryana came over and we made Strawberry Rocky Road ice cream and did some painting while discussing all things teenage. That really summarizes just about the whole 2 week break. I don't know yet what this New Years Weekend holds in store for me. But I'll keep you posted. possibly.