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Monday, May 22


  • Donald Miller last night at Sanctuary reading excerpts from his book To Own A Dragon. Rolling with laughter despite sad statistics: Currently 44 million men are growing up without fathers. 85% of male prision population grew up fatherless. 10% more of them had really bad fathers. I bought the 4 pack of his books.
  • Yesterday was Zac's 30th Birthday Surprise Party. He was clueless although at times I thought he was on to me. And when all was said and done he didn't even seem that bothered by the major invasions of privacy it took to make it happen. Rob has pics on flickr.
  • Last week I was in LA taking in the not so sunny weather. I hit up Disneyland twice... once with Carrie and once with Zac. I'm losing on the new Buzzlightyear ride.
  • School starts this Thursday. I am trying to have a head start by already starting the reading. School: William Jessup University. Major: Management and Ethics with a Duel in Theology. 22 months until graduation. Will I make it? Only by God's grace. With classes starting shortly I call to find out why I have not recieved my financial aid packet. Apparently I was not notified that FASFA chose me for random verification. Without the aid being awarded I all of a sudden have a $1400 payment due Thursday. Yikes. Anybody know where I can sell a very healthy kidney?
  • Looking for a New Job. Work ends this week. I have no clue what will happen next. I am interviewing for some nanny positions so hopefully I find one that pays well enough to pay for school and gives me enough time to focus on school. Ya, I'm looking for more money and less hours.
  • Sacrafices for school... giving up my office to Keiko, a student from Japan, in exchange for some money for tuition. Also giving up bunk bed and love sac in exchange for money and space in my bedroom to bring my desk back in. My tv is going to go to Keiko's room too. I don't think I'll have much time to watch it over the next 2 years.Hmmm. I think it may be time to cancel Netflix.
  • As Promised pics.... from Big Sur of Me Gina and Cutie
    Go Team!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Donald Miller Rocks. Read Blue like Jazz Must read more of his books.

Duel in Theology? I am freaking Jealous

Sweet no T.V. - Life is so much better with out that blasted thing. Rock-on Live life instead of watching someone else's life.

10:47 PM  

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