Monday, July 23
Wednesday, July 18
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Monday - ugh! Late night baseball game that left me gimpafied. I pull both hamstrings. Yes both. And this is less than a week from Wharf to Wharf. I am recovering well though so I may be able to still run it.
Tuesday - What the heck did I do last night. I don't remember. Kendra's mom is in town. I guess I just helped Kendra go pick her up from the airport. And then lathered my legs in flex-all and took muscle relaxants that are suppose to knock me out.
Wednesday- How could I pass up Old School playing at San Pedro Square's Open Air Cinema? It was awesome! Jerome & Liz came with me. And while I'm down there, a guy recognizes me and asks if I am Liz from Lizapalooza. Too crazy. He was at my last party. Better yet, he is wearing a shirt that says Mike-a-palooza, as it is his birthday today. And yet even better, we are about to watch old school that features the ever famous party, Mitch-a-palooza. [editor's note: I started Lizapalooza far before I ever saw that movie.] But seriously, it was really all to coincidental.
Tuesday, July 10
Visiting the 4 Corners of the Bay Area:
I feel like I did a whirlwind tour of the Bay this weekend. It started with dancing Friday night in downtown San Jose with Christel. Saturday night brought Faam's birthday dinner in Richmond followed by drinks in Berkeley. The next morning was Sunday brunch with the Spains in Santa Cruz mountains. Then back up north for Sunday night sushi in San Francisco with Lani. It was so much fun all weekend long. I was constantly surrounded by friends having a good time. It was a fantastic weekend.
New in life: I've been recruited to play catcher for my company baseball team. Last night was the first game. I'm sore but it was alot of fun (even though we lost). Was joining the team a strategic career move? Absolutely! They were in dire need of1 more girl or they forfeit. The director of reservations is very grateful.
Saturday, July 7
- Lizapalooza Fad Fest was rockin' it. So much fun. Best fad: Lyndsie dressed as a my little pony. Fun times: hula hoops, pacman, dancing in the kitchen to Baby Got Back. The fads were great. From grunge to afros to camoflauge, we had it all. And everyone got a kick out of fad giveaways like rubix cubes, koosh balls, and slap bracelets. Party closed up about 5:30am. I already have the theme and date set up for the next one. Save the date: Saturday, August 4th
- Work is good but oh my goodness! I've been working alot! 6 days a week gasping for a breath. Last weekend we had a Mexico Trade Show we had to attend and I won 4 nights stay in Puerto Vallarta so I'm excited about that. I think that makes my first official perk of this job.
- 4th of July... I worked. No kidding. And I was exhausted after not getting enough sleep for the week prior so I crashed out immediately. I woke up in time to catch a fabulous show of fireworks. We were so close. It was amazing.
- Today... I'm at work. And exhausted. Last night, I went shopping with Kendra and went a little bezerk. I got clothes and new 460 thread count sheets I'm dying to try out. Then Christel and I went out dancing downtown. Then we met up with some people at the bar. And back to my house for a little after party. Christel and I both had to work this morning so we were ridiculous. But I know how to rally so I covered for her so she could go home.
- Tonight I'm excited about going to Faam's birthday celebration. We are bowling! So fun. I have to get my bowling ball out of the garage. Yes, I have my own bowling ball. I had hoped to get off of work early to get her a gift, but alas I have 45 minutes to go and I'm still here. Too bad I'm running on 4 hours of sleep and hava a drive roundtrip drive up to Richmond ahead of me. I think I'll have to force the other Liz to drive while I nap on the way there.