Tuesday, September 12

BooHoo without Zacaroo

So I'm pretty depressive right now. Zac is gone. I dropped him off at the airport this morning. We were running late (of course), so there was no time for a good proper long goodbye. I sit here sulking, and even his calls from his Dallas and NY layovers don't really cheer me up because I'm painfully aware that he isn't calling me from his truck on his way home from work. He's not coming home for 26 days. I didn't do my homework today. I didn't feel like it. I only felt like laying around in bed sulking. And then I stepped on the scale (something I rarely do), and found out I gained weight. I'm going to end up in a depressive chocolate eating funk that will have me gaining pounds and sizes. By the time Zac comes home I'll be so fat he won't even want to be with me anymore. I'm picturing Ben Stiller at the end of Dodgeball.

But I went to the store and bought some vegetables. I have alot of meals planned that I've been procrastinating on cooking. And I should not let myself get barracaded in my room of self pity. So let the planning begin. Let me know if you are interested in helping me do homework (I need babysitting on this or I'll just sit around depressive), rambo cleaning project at Zac's house, hiking, going to 24 hr fitness, swimming, playing games, helping create core convergence powerpoint, or coming over for any of the following meals: homemade pizza, gnocci in squash puree, teriyaki chicken, avocado soup, chicken fajitas, mustard beer shrimp, salmon with red pepper sauce, or pasta of any kind.

My Wide Open Schedule:
  • Friday, 15th after 7- Hanging with Lani
  • Sunday, 17th anytime (although I should do homework)
  • Monday, 18th after 6
  • Tuesday, 19th anytime
  • Friday, 22nd - Sunday, 24th - all wide open. Anybody want to take a little trip?
  • Tuesday, 26th anytime
  • Wednesday, 27th after 7
  • Friday, 29th - Wednesday, 4th - freak out with me about finishing final paper and catching up on late assignments.
  • Friday, 6th anytime - help me celebrate my 9 month anniversary with Zac.
  • Saturday, 7th- come with to get Zac and maybe we all grab dinner and a show afterwards. I think this is the last night of John Brewers performance. Also going on this night... a JEFFERSON STARSHIP JEFFERSON FAMILY GALACTIC REUNION performance in Pittsburgh that would be awesome to go to.

So anyways, let me know if you are game to hang out, what you want to do, and when you want to do it. Act now. Openings are going fast.


Blogger Andrea Withers said...

I'm open. For anything (well, except the meat dishes).

7:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to hang out and I want to taste all of those meals and I will help babysit you on your homework and freak out with you during your finals.

But . . . you have to come to my house on the 15th!

5:11 PM  
Blogger Liz said...

You've got a deal! Thanks Lani!

5:21 PM  

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