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Monday, October 17

An Introduction To Bulletpoint Reviews

I have found myself very intimidated by the gap in time that I have not posted and this impulse to compensate with mass amounts of catch up posts. But this gets daunting in itself and makes me only further procrastinate. And then somehow my blog becomes a source of stress that is now on my to do list rather than an enjoyable activity. I do not apologize for my gap, but I will explain part of the problem. It started with this brillant little notebook wallet that my cousin turned me onto. Now I write and plan and draw and refer back to it as needed. My blog use to be my reference point for such things. And in the back of my notebook is a page where I jot down things I want to blog about. Well now the list is terribly long and I wonder how I will ever convey all these ideas to you. Do I just disregard those ideas that so inspired me and pick up here and now? I've decided yes and no. I will be picking up from here but I will also be tracing backwards with a new segment I will be calling "Bulletpoint Reviews". They will basically be blips into what I should have told you weeks ago and may border now on irrelevant but still valuable. And they start right now...
  • Gong girls thought that it would be nice to have brothers so they picked up these little grows in water people and are growing themselves brothers in large cups in their bathrooms.
  • I haven't had steady work for a few months now and a few weeks ago I find myself very short on money with a fairly large cell phone bill looming. In an attempt to be as responsible as possible in my non payment, I call the company to apologize and let them know that my payment will be undefinately late. Their response is to tell me that oh by the way, they owe me money because they haven't been honoring my free nights and weekends for the last year. He does the math and when it's all said in done I have a credit for the entire amount of my very large cell phone bill as well as an additional $40 credit towards my next bill. Hooray! God bless conveniently planned screw ups!
  • In my word of the day I discover that I am a "sybarite". Know what that is? Here's the link, but realize that I am really trying to break this trend.
  • So I got the pimp job I was waiting on. I'm a part time nanny for 3 kids... 2 boys, 1 girl ages 2,5,7. Mom's a police officer. Dad is a fire fighter. Their schedules are crazy chaotic. I work 12 hr days starting at 4:30am. What makes it pimp though is that because they both have strange revolving 4 day on, a few days off schedules, I only end up having to work about 8 or 9 days a month. Now wouldn't you rather work 9 long days than 24 short days? I would! Oh, and I got a significant raise.


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