Friday, August 19

Fast and Filled

I'm back after 3 days of successful fasting. Along with the typical fasting from food, I also decided a more challenging task would be to fast from my computer. It was torturous, but at the same time I came back to the internet realizing that really not much changed in three days. Hmmm. So the purpose in fasting was to join my church in a 3 day prayer session focusing on the direction of our church. We had some great prayer sessions and I strongly believe God has worked on renewing some passions and setting a path before us to do some great things. Here's a little scribble from my notebook inspired by some scripture reading out of Joshua. My cousin transformed me into minimilizing into a notebook for a wallet instead of that big bulky leather one I use to lug around. Thanks, Ray! Great idea! (More to come soon).
notebook 8-16-05


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's tuesday... thanks.

8:34 AM  

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