Monday, August 8

All In My Happy Go Lucky Bubble

Simple goodness fills my days and makes me forget the distress...
*My very favorite flower is the ever so sweetly fragranced Bella Donna Lily (aka Naked Lady). I planted some along my walk way, but none would pop up. They seemed to be frying before ever blooming. And that was months ago so I gave up watering them because it wasn't saving them. And then this last few days one solo stem rose above the turf to bloom two gorgeously perfect flowers and I can't leave the house or arrive at my door without stopping to indulge in that most intoxicating smell. I wonder if I can get a perfume made of that scent. I'll have to talk to Panache's about it.

*Success in the form of ice cream. I finally got around to recreating the Gorum spicy chocolate cookie into it's ice cream equivalent but with marshmellows added so it resembles a rocky road. Something I dreamed of making before ever purchasing the ice cream maker. It is sublime. I was with the kids so I made one rocky road batch for the lil ones before mixing in my spices and cranberries. Hmmm. Ray... I wish you could try it. Maybe you could foam it!

*Reunited with Downhere. So there is this great band that I had forgotten how much I liked. [Carrie- remember these guys?] And a few of their songs popped into my iTunes shuffle today so I got to remembering so I googled them to figure out that they have a new album that I've completely missed the boat on. I listened to all the songs on their website today and am eager to get them onto my iTunes. But their site kinda sucks and I can't figure out when they are going to tour on this way. Now if I could just get Bird In The Hand to send me their new album, then it would be all good.

*A new little temporary part time gig is possibly floating into my life to save me from the crunch. Twin 11 month old boys and a 3 yr old girl. Cute names. I think I could go permanent if I wanted. I think it will be a fun match for now. And it's great because I could use the positive cash flow. I have to go to the dentist and I know it's going to cost me a limb and a half. Anything to help me not feel the reprecussions of my situation.

*Also aiding in keeping my lifestyle cushy is the addition of another roommate in the form of an old college friend. Lani lived in the dorms with me and we also have been going to church together for a few years and now her and her cats and fish are coming to recreate the college days. Also joining the household is Julianne who I have known since I was 8 years old as she is my pastor's daughter. She is going to be helping me with conquering my life's to do list in exchange for an escape from her parent's house. So with Karis this makes one household of rockin' Christian females. I think we should start a home group. We could try and get KAK house to come. We'd have to call it Beer and Bible Night. Think that's enough to get them to come? Maybe Babes, Beer, and Bible Night!

*I am kinda excited about this Soliton conference that I just up and decided was a must for me to attend. Yesterday Jon was raving about it but it didn't sink in until I looked at his pictures from last year's conference and the year before. It looks like so much fun. It's like a huge gathering of creative artist types gathering to worship. I'm not even that artistically talented and I see the value in experiencing this kind of non traditional worship experience. So off to Ventura I go. But not until next month.


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