
Tuesday, May 24

Where The Heck Have I Been?
I know!!! I'm sorry. Let's get you caught up to speed. 1st Stop- Emilie's B-day at BJ's on Wednesday where my gift certificate to neighborhoodies was a hit. It was followed by a movie date where I ruin the happy ending with insisting we return to platonic mode. Thursday could have been a great early start to a long productive weekend in Newport Beach, but I hesitate due to a lack of productivity all week long. Feeling an urge to catch up before I head out ends up with me not going at all. And catching up was a dream unfulfilled as distractions came in all sorts of forms, but my favorite was in the form of a walk around the block. Every single night I was at a bar this weekend and every morning left me a bit of a waste for the day. Saturday I took advantage of the hot sun and slipped into the skimpiest bikini I own for a little back yard tanning out on my inherited hammock. And I get on the train of thought as I lay in this hammock that belonged to my grandparents of other things characteristically that I may have inherited from them. And then the comparison of what my dear cousin Raylene inherited. Comprable to my hammock, would be Raylene's piano (which does at the moment live in my house seeing that NYC is so far away). And it's so fitting that such have inherited such as it befits her ultra creativeness and artistic self, something I no doubt feel she inherited from our art loving grandfather. And I with my hammock befitting that I inherited from the same grandfather a love and passion for relaxation and luxury. She's managed to turn her inheritance into a living and I struggle to do the same for mine. Mine often appears to be more of a drain. Well enough with the lounging and having created a whole new set of tan lines I head to Emilie's pampered chef party where I pamper myself with lots of cooking goodies... another inherited trait from my grandfather. And then back to the bars, but not before first getting distracted by a long awaited IM from the soldier I'm a sucker for. That keeps me glued to my chair until nearly closing time. I make it to the bar with just enough time to run into some dear friends and hop into my role as designated driver. With obnoxious drunk friends to keep me awake, I attempt to stay up for a second round with the one for whom I try not to wait. With just a mere 4 hours of sleep I slip into my Sunday Bests and partake in the Best Sunday yet. Starting with the most amazing sermon at church. It was kinda a highlight of the 10 Things We Are Called To REMEMBER throughout the New Testament. And all 10 were totally right on with what I needed to hear. And since I'm sure you are dying for me to list them.... Remember 1. Reconciliation 2. Not to Hesitate 3. The Role of Persecution 4. It's more blessed to give than to recieve 5. What it was like before you were a Christian 6. The resurrection and that He's alive 7. Endurance and not to give up 8. To Be Politically Involved in support of those who are persecuted 9. To be the type of leader others can imitate 10. Your 1st Love and from where you have fallen. My over all lesson.. Live My Life! As opposed to living other people's lives. Best Sunday sermon was followed up with an invite to the Skarbek Brothers' for a BBQ. It was a good time hanging out with friends and being beaten in card games. One day I will win, but for now those boys are just too good. Then I headed off to work which basically consisted of me hanging with the kids in the pool at their pool party. There was lots of socializing because they had brought together a crowd of people who only had my clients in common and me. Normally, I don't socially interact with this crowd, but when my clients were busy... people would come find me because I'm the one other person there they know. So I had fun with that. And the weather was great and the water was warm and the food was delicious and my tan was terrific. My favorite part about my job is when I get paid to party. And speaking of... this weekend work takes me on yet another paid to party/paid to vacation/paid to relax weekend as we head off to Las Vegas.


Blogger .5 of babygrand said...

mamita! From the vision of you napping on the impulse shopping... to intensely socializing.... to having your hand in many distractable interests..... to making a living off making a party...I'm feeling that the force of Grandpa G runs strong in you.

Grandma G was a work horse, keeping the business alive on her own back, which is probably what kept her keen frugality alive and Grandpa's expenditures in check (Pic N' Save vs. Neiman Marcus here), so I'd have to disagree with your assessment there- but she was a mother to five, motherfigure to her employees, an entrepreneur and a maternal nexus in much the way you roll.

8:37 AM  

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