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Sunday, May 8

Marital Bliss or Bust!
Yesterday was Ben and Shannan's wedding. The wedding was awesome. His dad is a pastor up in Oregon and performed the ceremony and wrote and sang a song about them that was actually really good. I was impressed. I love these two people so much. It was great to witness their union. And from listening to their vows, it's really the same as they've been doing for the last few years. Loving, cherishing, honoring... already all present in their relationships. It's like their hearts have been married for years already. Congrats fellas! And let me tell you that both the bride and the groom have the most gorgeous families ever. They are doing the world a service by breeding the new perfectly gorgeous superior race. Oh, and I love going to events where I know absolutely everybody... like 90% of the guests. And I got to see people I haven't seen in forever, like Talia, Guitano, Julie, and Shawheen. It was great to reunite.

So yesterday I brought my friend Eric as my date to Shannan and Ben's wedding. And everybody kept telling me how Eric is such a great guy and how I should hold onto him. And I try to explain to them that I know he's a really awesome guy and yes he is cute BUT that he's my friend's exboyfriend and there is definately a girl's code about that. I'm not shady enough to break it. I actually use to tell Haylee all the time not to let Eric get away. Anyways Tom was especially fond of my date as they got along splendidly talking sports and getting a bit too wasted. So they got blitzed on cheap red wine. Kelly got Tom out of there early. Eric got cut off by the bartenders. And then on the windy road home that is Highway 17, he proceeded to puke that blueberry wedding cake up all over himself. Big Turn Off. He felt horribly about it all and apologized a million times. I know he was really embarassed and he stopped by with flowers today to apologize (and get his car). I'm not at all mad about it. I just don't think he's the keeper that the rest of my church thought he is.


Blogger Jon Reid said...

Ha! Ha! (I can laugh because it didn't happen to me.)

9:49 PM  

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