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Tuesday, November 30

You know how sometimes you have a dream where somebody does something to make you mad and you wake up feeling all mad at them, but your feelings are completely unjustified because it was just a dream.... Well, I woke up furious with my roommate Jubilee this morning. In my dream she had unattached the toliet and moved it into the entry way. She also needed some carpet squares for some project so she tore up the living room carpet. And I was yelling at her in my dream and in the end I think we decided that she should move out.

House anxiety dreams stem from the house painting stress. Yesterday they began to paint my house a beautiful khaki green color I had chosen called woodland mystery. When I got home at 11 at night I was horrified with the color I had chosen. In the day it looked mint chip and at night with the yellow tint of street lights and porch lights it looked more lime green. I was completely nauseous. I have done alot of remodeling work on the house in the last year and this was the final step to completion. It was such a disappointment to end up with an exterior that didn't match up with the beauty of the interior. I researched colors online to see where I had gone wrong. I went to home depot as soon as they opened bought 2 colors and came home and test painted the side of the house. Picked a new color named paramount sage and called my contractor hoping he wouldn't kill me for wasting a day of work. He worked it out with the painter and they are painting the new color today. I hear that it looks great. I'm so relieved.

Quick Holiday Recap-
I drove to So Cal to have thanksgiving dinner at my sister Deb's house in San Juan Capistrano and then continued on to stay with my sister Michelle in Del Mar. I took my neice Bryana to the San Diego Wild Animal Park. And then I came home early on Saturday so as to not miss a night out to Miyake's with the KAK house crew. Carrie met up so that was a special treat. On Sunday I went throught the Christmas boxes and started to decorate the house. I'm getting in the holiday spirit. A holiday party might be in order.


Blogger .5 of babygrand said...

colors can be difficult...they tend to change when enlargened and as you found out, in different light. happy to hear you've maneuvered through the tangle of contractorality (they hate nothing more than, "ew! that color's gross. do it again"- speaks volumes for your charm)....but did you have to illustrate this to your dear readers with the difficult green? i suppose so.

8:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once in college, my friend Jason showed up at my house early one morning, and when I opened the door, he punched me in the shoulder, claiming that I had done something to humiliate him in his dream! I feel ya!


11:25 AM  

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