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Tuesday, November 2

*Right now it looks like a win for Bush. California is supposed to be the democratic state with a given Kerry win. However, 3/4 of my household voted Bush. If you didn't vote today, consider yourself banned from my site.

*So Jubilee tricked me. She gives me the rent check and then asks if I want to go shopping because there's some big sale at that new store that just opened. How could I say no? But surprisingly I didn't go past $100 and most of that was not clothes. I bought a great 6 piece luggage set for $80. My old luggage was literally being held together by duct tape. It was a complete embarrassment going through the airport. Last week I went clothes shopping with Jaime. My roommates are trouble.

*Song of the day- Honey and the Moon by Joseph Arthur
Actually it's kinda the song of the month that I am obsessed with.

*This weekend I took the Perry kids with me to my nephew's birthday party. What a perfect match. So the most horrifying thing happened later in the evening. I rarely drive the kids in my car. I usually I take their Yukon. Well, we all met up at their daughter's house and they took the Yukon and had me take their BMW back to their house to get my car. The first time I've ever driven their BMW. Well, when I shut the door behind me, it doesn't shut all the way. When I open it again to see what it's stuck on, I am completely horrified to see that by some completely freak incident the seatbelt has jammed itself into and is protruding out of the side interior panel. It was stuck good too. It left a inch and a half gash. I couldn't believe my luck. It's not like I was being careless or rushing or anything. It was just one of those freak incidents. I can't even logically figure out how it managed to wedge itself like that. I was stressing. I left them a note though and when I talked to them yesterday they totally didn't care. Whew!

*So for a long time I've dreamt (see 9/4/03 post) of having my mom and me both working for the same client so we can cover for each other and so I can help her out and stuff. Well, dreams come true. The Perry's leave me a message to convey to my mom that they would like to hire her part time. How perfect!

*Today I was a wuss as I have been every Tuesday for the last month. Next Tuesday will be different. There will be courage. There will be a plan. There will be words.


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