Thursday, November 18

My good week is slowing down. I'm sick with congestion and a cough that I just can't kick. I hope it's gone by party day. I've been so busy and the boys are stressing me with their laid back last minute party planning. Do we even have a dj yet? I just don't know. At least I don't think it will rain. And I'm not sure what to wear to the party. I'm feeling like I need to go shopping for something new, but when am I suppose to find time for that. Today's date got postponed and I'm relieved because I have to keep clearing my throat in the most unsexy manner.

My baby is so cute. She's sitting here coloring in a photocopy of my passport and drivers license. I think she doesn't talk because she doesn't have to. We read each other's minds. No verbalization necessary. She'll talk for the new nanny because she'll have to start communicating her needs. I have Monday off for my birthday and I have no clue what to do. I was thinking of going to Monterey, but I don't even like Monterey that much. Maybe I need Mas Sake for my birthday. Or maybe Hidden Villa or Napa. It's been a while since I've been to Berkeley.


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