Name Consensus- Crepes a la Cart
Backup Name or for when I give this transient business roots- Cafe le Crepe
Today I had a garage sale and sorted through my boxes of junk and rearrange them so that one may walk gracefully from through. The big pay off was finding my favorite going out purse that has been missing for about 8 months and was irreplacable because I bought it in Vancouver. Seriously, my plan was to use this Monday holiday to go to Vancouver and pray that little shop still had it in stock. So I'm sure glad I can save myself that little trip. The other great garage find was old family photo albums. Check this stuff out...

My Beautiful Grandmother Pearl
Originally uploaded by Lizapalooza.
Other news this last week...
Finally got over the procrastination with a little support from Jubilee and painted my kitchen. It looks wonderful beautiful. And my hero of the day was Zac who offered to come over and help and then later when we ran out of painters tape and all the stores were closed he came and brought us some so we could finish the job.
And then I got the hand me down couches I had been waiting for to finish my set so now my living room looks ultra pimp too.
Shawn's birthday- went to Palo Alto and then to downtown SJ and had a great time just because I am with some of my favorite people. Oh ya, I ditched them to go to VIP and hang with Papa Roach for a bit. I love being VIP.
I started my "Month of Discipline" and it looks a little something like this:
5am wake up for purpose driven life devotional and prayer and journaling
630 santa clara international master swim
830 work
1-3 business planning
6- go running if I don't have chores or 2nd job that day
9pm bedtime
Other disciplinary actions for the month-
no tv for me at work
Atkins diet in full effect
no drinking
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