Saturday, June 26

Today is just a beautiful day... a loving life day, a day not to be wasted. Carrie and I are going to go on an adventure in a little bit. But in the meanwhile, let me tell you about last night. It was wonderful. I got my A game on. Lizapalooza 70's Skatefest was a hit. There was a small group of about 25 of us. I got to show off a little and do a few tricks. It is such a good workout. I may start sneaking in a session more often. Carrie was prepared as always with the perfect prop... a package of glow lights, enough for everyone there. Later I went to the Brit because Nate was playing bass in the band there and I met up with Andy. Also present was Haylee, Scott, and Barry. I forced myself to drink a little and we all had a blast. It was a great night. Best skater: Me, of course, but 2nd runner up is Zac, Melanie or this guy Jubilee brought.
Worst skater: Sheila, but she was rolling alright by the end of the night
Daredevil skater: definately CJ for this one, but he also fell the most too.


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