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Tuesday, February 3

Utopia Update
1. I started the new job as a nanny yesterday. It has rained non stop so no adventurous outings. Only my second day in and I am tired of baby's book selection. I must find the nearest library to the house ASAP!! Otherwise, everything is great. We have naptime from 10 to 12 (Yes, I sleep too so don't call between these hours). Then later she naps again and I watch Days of our Lives and then read. Right now I'm reading Someone Else's Child. It tells the story of some Bay Area foster children and outlines the growth of Child Welfare in the US and primarily in the county. Eventually (like next quarter) I will go back to school to get my degree in social welfare or some other related major.
2. Carrie finally ditched that Dodge Stealth of hers from back in high school and upgraded to a new Jeep Cherokee Limited in Black. She is sticking with her family's tradition. Yeah!!! Her new realization of the day: Even when she's good, she's B-A-D!
3. Mom broke into my house today to clean it. And she brought me a new lamp. I went out and bought a new bigger TV that will actually fill my entertainment center without leaving 10 inch gaps on all sides. The small TV got moved to my bedroom and the gigantic old school TV from the 60's got sold for $10 in last weekends garage sale.
4. Speaking of the weekend... I'm so fine with being single again. I have too many projects going on right now to be dating anyways. I had a guilt free dinner with Kelvyn on Saturday and then mustered up enough energy to "swing through" a party my friend was having. But I ended up staying for hours. While I was there, I met this girl who has been a Child Advocate for 2 years. I don't think I have mentioned that I am in training to become a court appointed special advocate for children in the system. I think I will be taking on a focus of pregnant teenage girls in the system. They usually get their babies taken away from them once they check out of the hospital. It is very difficult to find a foster home to take both mother and infant. And their child becomes part of the system and they have to jump through all the hoops to get them back and prove that despite their own issues of abuse, they can break the cycle and become good parents. One day when I am a wealthy philanthropist, I will open a group home in this county that takes in only foster girls who are pregnant or have children.


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